Monday, December 19, 2016

Wind Instruments: the list of names

Almost all bands present wind musical instruments. List of them will be given in this article. Also, it contains information about the kinds of wind instruments and extraction principle are sound. 


This pipe, which can be made of wood, metal or any other material. They have a different shape and tonally emit different musical sounds, are extracted by means of air flow. The timbre of the "voice" of wind instrument depends on its size. What it is, the more air passes through it, causing the frequency of its oscillation less and emitted sound - low.

There are two ways to change the pitch, published a tool of this type: air volume control fingers using scenes, valves, vents, and so forth, depending on the type of instrument; increasing the injection force of the air column in the pipe. The sound is completely dependent on the flow of air, hence the name - wind instruments. List of them will be given below. 

Variations Woodwind 

There are two main types - brass and wood. Initially, they were classified so depending on what material is made of. Now more type of tool depends on the manner in which the sound is extracted from it. For example, the flute is considered woodwind. Thus it can be made of wood, metal or glass. The saxophone has always produced only metal, but is classified as a woodwind. Copper tools can be made of various metals: copper, silver, brass, and so on. There is a special kind - wind instruments keyboards. List of them is not so great. These include a harmonium, organ, accordion, melodica, accordion. The air is supplied to them through special bellows. 


Wind brass musical instruments, as mentioned above, made of different metals, although in the Middle Ages, there were those who were made of wood. Sound is extracted from them by strengthening or weakening the injected air, and by changing the position of the lips of the musician. Initially brass reproduced only natural scale. In the 30s of the 19th century they were valves. This has allowed such instruments play a chromatic scale. In trombone for this purpose is a pull-out scenes. 

Additionally, if you need to purchase musical instruments parts, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as 3.5 mm jack extension cable, toy acoustic guitar, etc. 

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